Share documents with anyone, anywhere, anytime.


Home page features  |   Users  |   Groups  |   Files  |   Options 1  |   Options 2

Options 1

an image of the first Options page of the WebFiles online file sharing system


Update your password.


Users with multiple accounts, can choose which account loads automatically (or choose at login).


Choose which WebFiles page displays at startup.


Control whether group contents (files, etc.) are hidden by default on the Home Page.


Saves changes to General Options section.


Account Name appears at the top of the page and can be changed here.


Lists current number of users, groups, and files.


Select a radio button to change your plan. Change will take effect immediately!


Change will take effect immediately. (Why would you want to do that?)


Saves changes to Admin Options section


Use WebFiles to:

  • easily and securely distribute your documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, etc. to your partners, vendors, and customers
  • track how many times your users have logged in
  • upload new versions in seconds
  • organize your files into Groups and completely control user access


Q. Can I control the layout of how files within a Group appear on the Home page?

A. Yes. The Group Sorting feature allows you to control the order and indentation of how files appear. You can also use Group headings to further subdivide how your files are organized.

Sign up today

and immediately start sharing
your files securely